You do not have to be a mental health professional to support someone in your life who may be struggling. Most people experiencing suicidal thoughts will show outward signs of distress, and recognizing these common warning signs could help you identify a person in need. Responding to someone in crisis can be intimidating but it is important; taking action is always the best choice. Knowing campus and community resources to assist someone can help you feel more prepared. Attend this interactive session to contribute to a work environment that fosters communication and a sense of connectedness and respect.
Susan Fuszard has master’s degrees in Industrial Relations and Counseling and is a certified Employee Assistance Professional. She provides consultation to faculty, staff and family members with personal and work-related concerns. She enjoys supporting the well-being and productivity of individuals and workplaces. Susan was recognized by Safe Communities of Dane County as an advocate for her efforts in promoting suicide prevention in the workplace.
Intended audience: Faculty and staff whose work does not involve student interaction. To schedule a Recognize, Respond and Refer training for students or faculty/staff who work with and support students, contact Val Donovan at 608-263-2535 or