The first CubeSats were designed in 1999 as accessible student projects with roughly the capabilities of Sputnik, which broadcast a simple radio signal for three weeks as it orbited Earth. But 20 years later, CubeSats are doing a lot more, from Earth science to astrophysics, and they’re not solely student projects anymore; startups and university researchers are getting in on the action, although education is still an important part of the CubeSat community. A group of upcoming projects, selected under NASA’s CubeSat launch initiative, will study distant stars, observe the most sensitive pieces of Earth’s climate system, and some will even be preparing communications technology for future missions.
Small-Scale Stargazing
Astrophysicist Evgenya Shkolnik sees a future for CubeSats alongside large-scale observatories, both in space and on the ground. “I think the killer app for CubeSats is the time domain,” she said in a recent interview, especially in wavelengths like X-ray and ultraviolet which require space telescopes to observe. Her Star-Planet Activity Research CubeSat, or SPARCS, experiment, which is likely to launch sometime between 2020 and 2022 as part of NASA’s CubeSat launch initiative, will study the frequency and strength of ultraviolet stars from dim, low-mass stars called red dwarfs. Astronomers have discovered plenty of exoplanets orbiting these small stars, but they’re still debating whether those planets might be habitable, and that’s partly because red dwarfs have a tendency to be dangerously unstable, blasting out solar flares much stronger than our Sun’s worst – and sometimes on a daily basis.
That research requires staring at specific stars for weeks at a time, something that’s almost impossible to do from a big observatory like Hubble, where hundreds of researchers jockey for shares of observing time. “A very large program with Hubble may be one week of time, where on SPARCS we can have the entire mission for one to two years and spend a month, if we want, on each target,” said Shkolnik in an interview. “So really it was just out of a need to do an experiment that there was no platform with which I could do, and so that then I thought ‘Well, maybe a small satellite like CubeSats could be an economical way to do the experiment.’"
Long Wavelengths, Small Satellite
And focusing closer to home, the Polar Radiant Energy in the Far Infrared Experiment, or PREFIRE, will study how infrared radiation impacts environmental change in the Arctic, gathering data that will help refine climate prediction models. The Arctic is experiencing the brunt of climate changer faster than any other part of the planet, and the melting of Arctic glaciers and sea ice affects rising sea levels and the rest of the world’s climate, so understanding the impact of solar radiation in these high latitudes is crucial to predicting the impacts of climate change. But although far infrared radiation accounts for about two-thirds of the energy that reflects back to space from the Arctic, climate researchers don’t understand much detail about different land and sea surface in the Arctic emit that long-wavelength energy, said University of Wisconsin-Madison climate researcher Tristan L’Ecuyer in a recent interview. PREFIRE plans to launch sometime in late 2021, and will stay in orbit to observe a whole year of seasonal changes in the Arctic.
This is one of the first times a small CubeSat has been expected to gather data of the same quality as more conventional Earth observation satellites, L’Ecuyer says, thanks mostly to miniaturization of the instruments required. “CubeSats offer this potential to make high-quality Earth observation at a tenth, if not even cheaper, the cost of a traditional satellite, he said. ““In the future, hopefully, we'll be able to make many of the measurements that we routinely make of Earth using smaller satellite platforms, including CubeSats, or even slightly bigger smallsats.”
Bigger On The Inside
Meanwhile, Vishnu Reddy’s team at the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratry is testing communications technology for the next generation of CubeSats: an inflatable Mylar antenna which folds up into a a 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm box, a standard “1U” CubeSat form factor, then deploys and inflates in space to boost a tiny satellite’s ability to beam data home and receive commands from the ground. The idea is to make CubeSats a better platform for interplanetary missions to places like Mars, the Moon, and perhaps an interesting asteroid or two. University of Arizona Tucson astronomer Chris Walker developed the antenna, which is now licensed by Free Fall Aerospace, a collaborator on the project.
“We realized that one of the biggest challenges when you do a smallsat mission beyond the Earth, you run into issues with communication, data transfer, and things like that,” Reddy said in a recent interview. “This seems to be something that even the national academies have identified as one of the main challenges of pushing the smallsats and CubeSats beyond the Earth system for interplanetary exploration.”
Faster And More Reliable
Two things are really fueling the CubeSat boom: standardized form factors and components, and bigtime miniaturization of instruments, power systems, and electronics. The original CubeSat design specifications took a few years to become an accepted standard, but by now it’s solidly entrenched in the satellite industry, to the extent that companies like PREFIRE’s vendor, Space Dynamics Lab, exist to do the actual building of the CubeSat once researchers assemble an instrument package.
“They basically explained that their CubeSats are becoming far more reliable, far more almost routine now to build and to collect quality data and make sure that the data collected by the satellite makes it transmitted to the Earth,” said L’Ecuyer. “It's been in the last three or four years, is my understanding, that the technology has gotten to the point where we can do this reliably and meet the same standards as other Earth science missions.”
And that standardization also means quicker, cheaper turnaround from the drawing board to the launch pad. “Another slight advantage of the CubeSat, and the fact that the instruments are so small, that we can actually build this and get it ready for launch relatively quickly, relative to the old, more traditional instruments that take five to ten years to develop. We're expecting to be able to develop the instrument and deliver it to our CubeSat vendor within about two years,” said L’Ecuyer. “As far as developing a satellite from scratch, it's actually a very quick turnaround.”
Bigger Science In Smaller Packages
Sputnik, the inspiration for the original CubeSat projects, boasted a radio transmitter in a 53 cm diameter, 83.6 kg sphere with four external antennas sticking out like spikes. Today, PREFIRE’s entire infrared observation instrument package weighs just 1 kg, uses less power than a typical lightbulb, and fits in a 1U box, although its power and other systems will need their own space.
“The reason we've never made these before, actually, is the fact that previous versions of this instrument all had to be cooled using some sort of liquid nitrogen or liquid helium in order to be able to measure the radiation at these long wavelengths,” said L’Ecuyer. Those instruments were heavier and bulkier, required more power, and were several times more expensive than PREFIRE – not to mention that if your instruments require cooling, that’s one more risk of potential failure on a space mission.
And smaller, more sensitive light detectors, also developed at JPL, mean that SPARCS can do some impressive astronomy even with its tiny 9 cm telescope (by comparison, NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer, whose data Shkolnik used for an earlier study of red dwarfs, had a 50 cm mirror). “When you have to fit into a 6u cubesat, so that's a 3cm x 10cm x 20cm box, you're fundamentally limited in how big of a telescope you can squeeze in there, so we built the biggest telescope we could,” said Shkolnik, “but the really enabling technology there that allows us to do a compelling science experiment with a small spacecraft is the newly-developed, highly-sensitive detectors.” The telescope is only about a fifth the size of its predecessors, but the detectors are 5 times more sensitive.
Even so, Shkolnik doesn’t see CubeSats as a replacement for big observatories like Hubble. Instead, she sees teamwork between large and small as the way forward. “I think every large observatory, on the ground or in space, can utilize CubeSats in a complementary fashion, where today you're doing an experiment on the ground with a big telescope, and you want to know what that source is doing at the same time in the ultraviolet, you could have a partner CubeSat in space looking at your target at the same time,” she explained. That kind of simultaneous observing between large observatories is a daunting challenge to coordinate, because of all the competing demands on those observatories’ time.
“There's a lot of science, in my opinion, being left on the table, that is not being done, because of these challenges: simultaneity in different wavelengths, time domain, wavelgnths not accessible from the ground, and so on,” said Shkolnik. “I think there's a lot of great science yet to be done with these.”
Managing Expectations
Meanwhile, missions like Reddy’s are part of developing the next phase of that, making these small missions even more capable platforms for longer-range missions. A pair of NASA CubeSats, dubbed MarCo-1 and MarCo-2, already made the long voyage to Mars to act as communications relays for the InSight lander earlier this year, so there’s an encouraging precedent for little satellites making big journeys.
If the upcoming CatSat mission proves successful, Reddy plans to propose a CubeSat mission to an asteroid or comet to gather more data about the object’s structure, using the nitrogen-filled Mylar balloon antenna to send that data across millions of kilometers of space to scientists on Earth. Reddy and his team don’t have a target in mind yet, but the Solar System offers plenty to choose from, and a CubeSat mission will need to pick a destination that doesn’t take much fuel to reach. “We have several science questions we can answer with asteroids, so we kind of tailor the science towards the target so that we can get to the asteroid with the least amount of energy possible,” he said.
Reddy says that CubeSats have a big role to play in exploring targets like the Moon, Mars, and near-Earth asteroids, but he’s cautious about their prospects in deeper space. “When you're going really into deep space, then we have to be realistic about how much science they can do,” he said. “They cannot do the same science as a billion dollar NASA mission.”