Aqua Dairy Show Registration
Please submit one register per exhibiter. Registration Deadline is June 17. Show starts at 10AM at the Barron County Fair Grounds - Rice Lake WI

The 2024 Barron County Youth Aqua Dairy Show, will be held on Monday, June 26, at the Barron County Fairgrounds in Rice Lake. The show will start promptly at 10 a.m. this year.

This is an open dairy show for youth that will include dairy showmanship classes of different ages at the conclusion. The Aqua Dairy Show is a great opportunity for youth who haven’t shown before to gain experience in the show ring and for experienced youth to get some time in the ring before the fair!

Due to the recent requirement of Influenza A Testing Prior to Movement of Lactating Dairy Cattle to Fairs and Exhibitions, the Aqua Dairy show will no longer be accepting registrations for ANY Lactating Dairy Classes. Participants can still register for the following classes:

Breeds will be shown in the following order:
Brown Swiss
Milking Shorthorn
Any Other Breed

Class order for each breed:
1. Heifer Calf - Spring (Born after 2/28/24)
2. Heifer Calf - Winter (12/1/23-2/28/24)
3. Heifer Calf - Fall (9/1/23-11/30/23)
4. Summer Yearling (6/1/23-8/31-23)
5. Spring Yearling (3/1/23-5/31/23)
6. Winter Yearling (12/1/22-2/28/23)
7. Fall Yearling (9/1/22-11/30/22)
8. Junior & Reserve Junior Champion of Breed
9. Dry Cow, Any Age

14. Senior & Reserve Senior Champion of Breed
15. Grand & Reserve Champion of Breed

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Youth Exhibitor Name
Exhibitor Age (as of January 1)
How many animals will you be exhibiting?
Please list breed(s) exhibiting and class for each animal (i.e. Holstein Class 1, Holstein class 10)
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